Christian vd Klaauw

Astronomy, time in its purest form is the source of inspiration for the most famous watch atelier in the Netherlands. Christiaan van der Klaauw, an honorary member of the prestigious AHCI, founded the company - Christiaan van der Klaauw Astronomical Watches - in 1974. Christiaan van der Klaauw Astronomical Watches is the only atelier in the world that is completely devoted to the design and the production of exclusive, hand-made astronomical watches.

In 2022 we celebrated the fact that Christiaan van der Klaauw presented his first astronomical clock 48 years ago; 26 years ago he produced his first wristwatch with astronomical complications. It is a celebration in its purest form, with a balanced collection of unique astronomical watches. Christiaan van der Klaauw (1944) was born in Leiden, the city where the Netherlands’ greatest scientist of all times, namesake and inspiration Christiaan Huygens started his studies in 1645. Van der Klaauw attended the School for Instrument Makers (LiS) in Leiden, the curriculum established in 1901 at the initiative of Prof. Dr. Heike Kamerlingh Onnes.


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